Timo Werner working on a transfer but no deal yet

It has been suggested that Chelsea is all but ready to activate Timo Werner’s release clause from RB Leipzig.

However, while the German forwards current employers admit the player has informed them he is working on a transfer as yet there is nothing official as yet.

In an interview with Sky Sports Deutschland Leipzig’s managing director Oliver Mintzlaff said:

“We haven’t had an exchange yet, accordingly, we have nothing to report.”

“Timo Werner is a player for RB Leipzig.”

“He signaled a few weeks ago that he was busy with a transfer. Until now nothing is done.”

“Of course, there was this exit clause that we put in the contract to give him the opportunity to take the next step.”

“Now Timo is sitting in the driver’s seat, not us anymore. So far, he has not drawn upon the clause, nor has any club sent us a transfer contract.”

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