PFA Awards ceremony is postponed due to coronavirus

The Professional Footballers’ Association (PFA) was scheduled to take place on the 26th of April but with Boris Johnson urging the public to minimize social contact as possible, it has been postponed.

Due to the uncertainty of the current season, a new date is yet to be rescheduled.

The coronavirus outbreaks has massively impacted the football world, with the Premier League and the EFL among those temporarily suspended at the moment.

A statement on the PFA official website read:

“In light of the unprecedented crisis the UK is facing around the COVID-19 virus it has been decided to postpone this year’s PFA Awards – originally scheduled for Sunday 26th April 2020.”

“This crisis extends far beyond the world of football and we must take steps in accordance with the welfare of the wider general public. “

“The current situation does not lend itself to mass gatherings of this nature and given the uncertainty of when the current season might end and the potential threats to the health of our members and guests the event is not feasible at this time.”

“We hope that by making this early decision it provides clarity moving forward and we hope to be in a position to reschedule the event later in the year.”

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