In the Disney+ original series “Vigilante” (director Choi Jung Yeol) released on the 22nd of this month, Cho Kang Ok (played by Lee Jun Hyuk) took off his mask in front of Vigilante (played by Nam Joo Hyuk).
He was the fake Vigilante, who followed our hero and wanted to follow in his footsteps, but when the real Vigilante, Kim Ji Yong, reached out his hand, he quickly took off his mask and revealed his real face.
The moment the mask was removed, a thrill went through Jo Kang Ok and the viewers who saw him, as he revealed a face full of joy.
Jo Kang Ok is a fan who purely admires Vigilante, and Lee Joon Hyuk, as Vigilante, is showing a fresh charm by playing the character perfectly.
When it comes to Vigilante, he walks around with a twinkle in his eye and dances, and when he takes a selfie with Vigilante, who is injured and hospitalised, he is geeky, but at the same time, he is purely a fan, which makes us laugh.
The freshness of Jo Kang Ok’s character is brought to life by Lee Joon Hyuk’s performance. He adds his own colour to every single action and line of dialogue.
In particular, when Jo Kang Ok becomes the person Vigilante needs, the excitement he feels, and the way he ignites his own sense of justice, which is a new way of worshipping real justice, makes it impossible to take our eyes off of Jo Kang Ok.
As such, Joon Hyuk’s detailed portrayal of Jo Kang Ok makes him a unique character, and he also serves as a joker in the dark hero Kdrama.
Every time he appears, it adds to the anticipation of what he’s going to say and what he’s going to look like, making us even more eager for the next episode.
“Vigilante” episode 7 and 8 will be released next Wednesday afternoon on Disney+.