“Twenty-Five Twenty-One,” set in 1998, is about a group of young people who discover new purpose and growth once their ambitions are taken away. Na Hee Do and Baek Yi Jin, played by Kim Tae Ri and Nam Joo Hyuk, meet when they are 18 and 22 years old and fall in love when they are 21 and 25 years old.
Because of the IMF crisis, Na Hee Do’s high school fencing team was disbanded. Despite the fact that her dreams appeared to have crumbled in front of her, she forges forth into the future, unafraid.
“The writing is incredibly engaging,” Kim Tae Ri said of her decision to star in “Twenty-Five Twenty-One.” I was intrigued by the figure Hee Do, who has color I’d never seen before.” The actress went on to say that she was also captivated to the topic of fencing, something she had never heard of before.
“She’s a kid who began off as someone dreaming of becoming a fencer, but she’s currently going through a slump,” Kim Tae Ri said of her character. Nonetheless, she is so passionate about fencing that she is steadfastly pursuing her dream. Her demeanour is normally quite bright, and she’s the kind to run while just looking forward, but she’s also a character who is more passionate about her aspirations than anyone else.”
“The feature I admire the most is that Hee Do is a child who always walks forward,” Kim Tae Ri explained. She’s not a downer after a setback, her tragedies don’t end in tragedy, and she’s a brave young lady who isn’t afraid to go on.”
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