“Connection” is a new upcoming kdrama directed by Kim Moon Kyo the man behind SBS’s “Trolley,” and writer Lee Hyun, who penned JTBC’s “Prosecutor’s Civil War,” is writing the script. Jeon Mi Do and Ji Sung are the main leads of the drama
Connection Plot
“Connection” is a crime investigation thriller about a group of friends whose dysfunctional friendship is revealed as they investigate the death of a high school friend who died leaving behind a 5 billion won insurance policy.
Connection Cast
Ji Sung plays Jang Jae Kyung, a calm and methodical captain of the narcotics team of the Metropolitan Police Department. Jang Jae Kyung is a man who inherits 5 billion won from the life insurance policy of a high school friend who chose to die.
This will be Ji Sung’s return to SBS drama after nearly four years since “Doctor John,” which aired in 2019. He previously won the SBS’s Grand Prize for “Defendant,” which aired in 2017.
Jeon Mi Do plays Oh Yoon Jin, who, after being unfairly fired from a major daily newspaper, returns to her hometown to work as an economics editor at a humble newspaper. Oh Yoon Jin is said to be a character who shows friendship when she learns that her high school friend has died and left her 5 billion won in insurance money, just as her husband and children have emigrated to a foreign country and she is supporting herself.
Jeon Mi Do is a 17-year veteran actor who made his debut in the 2006 musical Mr Mouse. She has worked in many musicals and plays. After making her drama debut in 2018 with a special appearance in the drama “Mother (2018),” Jeon made her name and face known in 2020 and 2021 when she played the role of Chae Song Hwa in the series “Hospital Playlist”. Her performance as Jeong Chan Young in JTBC’s “Thirty-Nine (2022),” which aired last year, also garnered praise.
Connection Kdrama Release Date
Connection is looking set to premiere in the first half of 2024. There is no exact date for the release of the drama as of now.
Connection Episode Count
We don’t know as of now.
Connection K-drama Trailer
No trailer has been released for the drama as of now.
Connection Kdrama Stills/Photos
Here you will see all the latest stills/photos that will be released for the drama.