Breaking: More Sampdoria players are diagnosed with coronavirus

Sampdoria have got four more players who have been tested positive with the coronavirus.

Manolo Gabbiadini was the first player to test positive on coronavirus. Now there are four more players to have been diagnosed.

Sampdoria released a statement on their club website on Friday evening revealing the sad incident.

“U.C. Sampdoria can confirm that footballers Omar Colley, Albin Ekdal, Antonino La Gumina, Morten Thorsby and club doctor Amedeo Baldari have tested positive for COVID-19, following the positive result for Manolo Gabbiadini a few days ago. All of them are in good health and are at their homes in Genoa.”

“The club would like to reiterate that it has carried out all the necessary procedures in accordance with the law: all the club’s offices are closed and the players, club officials and staff potentially infected are in voluntary self-isolation at home. “

“All sporting activities have been suspended and essential administrative and organisational operations are being carried out remotely.”

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