Ronaldo makes the Top 3 for FIFA “The Best” Men’s Player 2020 Award

Cristiano Ronaldo keeps getting recognition for his many exploits in football despite being 36 years old.

We would have to look hard for the last time this podium was filled with so much experience playing at the highest level.

Even though Ronaldo might not be the favorite to win the award this year, it’s still impressive how he’s maintained himself at the very top for these many years.

Throughout 2020, there’s little debate to who has been the best player overall. Cristiano Ronaldo shares the podium this year with Lionel Messi and Robert Lewandowski.

The Polish striker has been in the best form of his career and he is the overwhelming favorite to win the award this year.

Messi did get great stats last season as well, but he simply made the podium for his level of performance.

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